MEMORehab has partnered with some impressive movers-and-shakers across Australia. We wanted to let you know a bit more about the great work being done by some of our affiliates. We value these connections and look forward to continuing to collaborate. If you’d like to partner with us, contact us at

MEMORehab Partners:
The Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment is a multidisciplinary organisation dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with brain‐related conditions and the people in their networks. ASSBI provides resources, fosters research, sponsors webinars and organises conferences. ASSBI’s support of innovations in research and clinical practice helps to optimise treatment and care for people living with brain conditions. This organisation’s newsletter has included articles pertaining to MEMORehab. Also, the original manual on which the MEMORehab’s content is based, is sold by ASSBI.
Brellah is the health collaboration team with several offices in Sydney that specialise in complex needs cases. In reaching out with educational seminars to GPs, Brellah aims to explain how MEMORehab is one of the services its Neuropsychologist can provide.
Clare Batkin, “Your OT Tutor”, offers a myriad of services, mentoring, resources and educational opportunities. Allied health professionals can keep up with all the latest with Clare’s newsletter and earn CPD points through her webinars. Backed by years of experience in a variety of OT settings, Clare helps students as well as more experienced practitioners become better OTs who love what they do! Watch a free Q&A webinar in February 2025 between Clare and MEMORehab founder, Dr Laurie Miller.
Epilepsy Action Australia (EAA) recognises that while epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, it is still widely misunderstood. EAA provides a range of resources and services to increase epilepsy awareness, knowledge, and skills to improve the quality of life for people with epilepsy. This includes the epilepsy nurse helpline, easy-to-understand information and resources, online tools, epilepsy training, individualised support services and supporting research. Over the years, EAA has supported the research behind the development of MEMORehab. Because so many people with epilepsy notice memory issues, this NGO also promotes MEMORehab to their membership.